Projects and inspiration Our research 9 Paper: Towards a Bioregional Model of Regenerative Communities and Transformative Learning 9 Our posts on Medium Our thought leaders (In random order) 9 Regenerative design, Daniel Wahl 9 Evolution of organiations and social systems, George Por 9 Innovation, evolution, consiousness, Allerd Stikker 9 Warm data, Nora Bateson 9 Redesign for Resilience and Regeneration 9 Presencing institute - theory U, Otto Scharmer 9 Action Research for Transformation, Hillary Bradbury 9 Regeneration and bioregions, Joe Brewer 9 The systems view of life, Fritjof Capra 9 Platform design toolkit, Simone Cicero 9 Transformative learning, Arjen Wals 9 Earthwise Center, Anneloes Smitsman 9 And many more In memory of René J. Jorna, the human, organizational and knowledge dimension of sustainable innovation. Our transformational programs & projects 9 Remain alert for further information